Apereo CAS - Protect APIs via Duo Security MFA

Posted by Misagh Moayyed on November 24, 2020 · 8 mins read ·
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Apereo CAS can integrate with Duo Security to provide a smooth and seamless multifactor authentication scenario. Support for Duo Security can cover authentication scenarios for web-based applications as well as command-line interfaces and APIs. Furthermore, recent versions of CAS can provide integration support for Duo Security’s Universal Prompt using Duo’s OIDC Auth API. In this walkthrough, we’ll take a look at the Duo Security integration setup with CAS and will also review options for command-line or API access.

This tutorial specifically requires and focuses on:

CAS Server

The CAS overlay should be prepped with a method for primary authentication, such as Basic Auth. This is especially appropriate for command-line access if we are to access APIs using curl with the combination of Basic Auth as well as Duo MFA. Furthermore, CAS overlay must include the appropriate module for Duo Security in the build, and integration settings must be obtained from the Duo admin console and be provided as CAS properties:


The WebSDK variant for Duo Security allows CAS to host the Duo Security authentication prompt inside an embedded iFrame. This approach requires the duo-application-key, which is at least 40 characters long and is a setting you must generate and keep secret. You can generate a random string in Python with:

import os, hashlib
print hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(32)).hexdigest()

The Universal Prompt variant no longer requires you to generate and use a application key value. Instead, it requires a client id and client secret, which are known and taught to CAS using the integration key and secret key configuration settings. You will need to get your integration key, secret key, and API hostname from Duo Security when you register CAS as a protected application. In the CAS settings, the absence of duo-application-key indicates that Universal Prompt should be used instead of the WebSDK integration mode.


Furthermore, let’s make sure that all requests from all applications should be asked for multifactor authentication with Duo Security:


Client Application

For testing and demo purposes, I am using the Bootiful CAS Client application with some minor adjustments:

  • The MainController is annotated with @RestController and contains the following endpoint to simply produce the authenticated user principal as JSON:
@RequestMapping(value = '/json', method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
def json(HttpServletRequest request) {
    return request.userPrincipal

We can use this endpoint as an API that would be accessed from the command-line to demonstrate MFA via Duo Security.

  • We should also make sure that the new /json endpoint defined above is added to the list of authentication and validation patterns in the application.yml file:
authentication-url-patterns: [/protected, /protected2, /json]
validation-url-patterns: [/protected, /protected2, /json]
request-wrapper-url-patterns: [/protected, /protected2, /json]
assertion-thread-local-url-patterns: [/*]

Of course, don’t forget that the application (i.e. https://localhost:8444) must be registered with CAS before proceeding to the next step.


The Duo Security module of CAS can also support non-browser multifactor authentication requests. To trigger this behavior, applications (i.e. curl, REST APIs, etc) need to specify a special Content-Type to signal to CAS that the request is submitted from a non-web-based environment. Note that the multifactor authentication request is submitted to Duo Security in auto mode which effectively may translate into an out-of-band factor (push or phone) recommended by Duo as the best for the user’s devices.

Once the CAS server and the client application are running, we can try a programmatic command-line access request to our /json endpoint:

curl -k --location --header "Content-Type: application/cas" \
  https://localhost:8444/json -L -u casuser:Mellon | jq

In this example, curl attempts to authenticate into our API by first exercising basic authentication while identifying the request content type as application/cas. The request is passed along to CAS which authenticates the user credentials and performs Duo MFA using a push notification. Once the user accepts and acknowledges the notification, the MFA sequence will complete to finally return the authenticated user profile to our endpoint:

  "name": "casuser",
  "attributes": {
    "credentialType": [
    "isFromNewLogin": "true",
    "authenticationDate": "2020-11-25T08:37:14.008158Z",
    "bypassMultifactorAuthentication": "false",
    "authenticationMethod": [
    "authnContextClass": "mfa-duo",
    "successfulAuthenticationHandlers": [
    "longTermAuthenticationRequestTokenUsed": "false"

It is important to note that both the CAS server and the client application and API are all part of the same localhost domain.

Need Help?

If you have questions about the contents and the topic of this blog post, or if you need additional guidance and support, feel free to send us a note and ask about consulting and support services.


I hope this review was of some help to you and I am sure that both this post as well as the functionality it attempts to explain can be improved in any number of ways. Please feel free to engage and contribute as best as you can.

Happy Coding,

Misagh Moayyed