Master writing custom authentication handlers in CAS to verify user identity from custom account stores and observe the operations using Micrometer to collect metrics and statistics for better troubleshooting and monitoring.
Learn how to register multiple multifactor authentication profiles in CAS using Duo Security, and dynamically seelct the appropriate provider based on user claims or application policies.
Learn how to inform Microsoft Office365 and/or ADFS that multifactor authentication is successfully carried out by CAS via the likes of Duo Security, using a SAML2 integration.
Learn how to tune your Apereo CAS deployment as an OpenID Connect provider to respond to authentication requests from multiple hosts with different issuer patterns and aliases.
A brief overview of Spring Application Profiles, their purpose and utility in general when it comes to configuration management, bean definitions, and better control over test activation and execution with a particular focus on Apereo CAS deployments.
An overview of the Apereo CAS versioning strategy and release policy and a few helpful tips and tricks to manage one's CAS Gradle overlay from one CAS version to the next.