Apereo CAS - Bootiful CASified Web Application

Posted by Misagh Moayyed on February 13, 2021 · 6 mins read ·
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The bootiful-cas-client is a modest web application powered by Spring Boot, which relies on Apereo CAS for authentication and web single sign-on. In this walkthrough, we will take a quick look at the anatomy of the web application and attempt to integrate it with a given CAS server for fun and profit, etc. Mainly, etc.

Our starting position is as follows:


Lucky for us, this application build is prepped with the org.jasig.cas.client:cas-client-support-springboot library. Underneath the covers, this library auto-configures the application context and the Java CAS client library to interact with a CAS server and handle matters of authentication, etc.

Much like any other Spring Boot application, the main configuration file for the web application can be found at src/main/resources/application.yml, and at a minimum, the following settings need to be updated:

  # This is the address of the CAS server
  server-url-prefix: https://localhost:8143/cas
  server-login-url: https://localhost:8143/cas/login

  # This is the address of the web application
  client-host-url: https://localhost:8443

Of course, our application requires https as should any application that requires any sort of authentication. You can update the src/main/resources/application.yml file and point Spring Boot to your own local keystore and truststore:

  port: 8443
    enabled: true
    key-store: /Users/path/to/.keystore
    key-store-password: changeit

You can generate a self-signed certificate with your own generated keystore using:

keytool -genkey -alias cas -keyalg RSA -validity 999 \
    -keystore /Users/path/to/.keystore -ext san=dns:$REPLACE_WITH_FULL_MACHINE_NAME

The certificate exported out of your keystore needs to also be imported into the Java platform’s cacerts:

# Export the certificate into a file
keytool -export -file /etc/cas/config/cas.crt -keystore /Users/path/to/.keystore -alias cas

# Import the certificate into the global keystore
sudo keytool -import -file /etc/cas/config/cas.crt -alias cas -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts

…where JAVA_HOME is where you have the JDK installed.

Finally, to see additional log statements and observe the exchange between the application and the CAS server, use:

    org.jasig.cas: DEBUG


To run the web application, use:

./gradlew clean bootRun

…and try to navigate to a protected area of the application that requires authentication: https://localhost:8443/protected. You should be redirected to the CAS server’s login page and asked to authenticate. Once you have logged in, you should be able to see the payload and the response that is authorized for release to your application.

Of course, your logs should more or less demonstrate the same response:

DEBUG 14788 --- [nio-8444-exec-2] o.j.c.c.v.Cas30ServiceTicketValidator   : 
Server response: 
<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
      <cas:successfulAuthenticationHandlers>Static Credentials</cas:successfulAuthenticationHandlers>
      <cas:display-name>Apereo CAS</cas:display-name>
      <cas:authenticationMethod>Static Credentials</cas:authenticationMethod>

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I hope this review was of some help to you and I am sure that both this post as well as the functionality it attempts to explain can be improved in any number of ways. Please feel free to engage and contribute as best as you can.

Happy Coding,

Misagh Moayyed