Apereo CAS - JSON Service Registry

Posted by Misagh Moayyed on July 12, 2024 · 11 mins read ·
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Client applications that wish to use the CAS server for authentication must register with the server apriori. CAS provides several facilities to keep track of the registration records, and you may choose any that best fits your needs. In more technical terms, CAS deals with application management using a special implementation called the Service Registry that sits on top of a real data source and acts as the controlling abstraction.

This post will focus on using the JSON service registry and managing application registration records inside flat JSON files and the filesystem. Our starting position is as follows:

  • CAS 7.1.x
  • Java 21


The JSON service registry requires that you declare the appropriate module in your CAS build:

implementation "org.apereo.cas:cas-server-support-json-service-registry"

Next, you must teach CAS how to look up JSON files to read and write registration records. This is done in the cas.properties file that is typically found at /etc/cas/config:


…where a sample ApplicationName-1001.json would then be placed inside /etc/cas/services:

  "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.CasRegisteredService",
  "serviceId" : "https://app.example.org",
  "name" : "ApplicationName",
  "id" : 1001
The directory location can be anything and anywhere you prefer, as long as is remains available and accessible to all CAS server nodes. This is particularly important for a multi-node clustered deployment given all participating CAS server nodes must be able to have access to the same designated directory as the ultimate database of registration records.

Or perhaps a slightly more advanced version would be an application definition that allows for the release of certain attributes that we previously retrieved from external sources as part of the authentication attempt:

  "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.CasRegisteredService",
  "serviceId" : "^https://app.example.org",
  "name" : "ApplicationName",
  "id" : 1001,
  "attributeReleasePolicy" : {
    "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.ReturnAllowedAttributeReleasePolicy",
    "allowedAttributes" : [ "java.util.ArrayList", [ "cn", "mail" ] ]
The serviceId field is in fact a regular expression pattern that is compared against the application URL, which in this case, would be passed to CAS via the service parameter. Using patterns allows you to group applications together under a common scheme and apply similar policies to them without having to register them individually.

The naming convention here is somewhat important and is determined based on the service name field and its numeric id using the below formula:

fileName = serviceName + "-" + serviceNumericId + ".json"

This means that the file should be named ApplicationName-1001.json. As you add more JSON files to the directory, you need to be absolutely sure that no two service definitions would have the same name or numeric id. If this happens, loading one definition will likely stop loading the other. While service ids can be chosen arbitrarily, ensure all service numeric identifiers are unique. CAS will also attempt to output warnings if duplicate data is found.


The setup and configuration of the JSON service registry is relatively straightforward. Here are a few more highlights that you may want to be aware of and take into consideration:


The JSON Service Registry allows you to define services in a straightforward JSON format. Each service definition is encapsulated in a JSON file, making it easy to read, modify, and manage. Of course, such JSON files are human-readable and can be edited using any text editor, which allows one to quickly make changes to service definitions without needing specialized tools.

Version Control

Since service definitions are stored as individual JSON files, they can easily be version-controlled using systems like Git. This feature enables administrators to track changes, revert to previous versions, and collaborate effectively in a team environment. You will need to navigate to the directory where services are found and turn that into a git repository. Something along the lines of the following snippet:

cd /etc/cas/services
git init .
git add -A .
git commit -am "Added all service definitions to git repository"


Since service definitions are not packaged with the CAS web application and can be found in an external directory, they can be modified and updated without rebuilding the CAS web application. But do we need to restart the CAS server every time a JSON file is changed or added?

While that might be the safest thing to do to ensure changes are picked up, it is not necessary to do so strictly speaking. One of the more interesting features of the JSON Service Registry is its support for monitoring and dynamic reloading of JSON files. CAS will automatically reload service definitions when changes are detected. This capability should be turned on by default already, and can be controlled via the following property:


Periodic Reloading

Suppose you prefer to disable the watcher and not monitor service files for changes. In that case, an additional alternative allows CAS to scan and periodically reload service definitions at your chosen interval. In doing so, CAS will schedule a background job that would run once every so often to reload the application definitions in memory. This is typically controlled via the following property:


Using the above configuration, CAS will reload all service definitions every 2 minutes. Of course, you would want to adjust this interval based on your deployment needs and rate of change.


CAS uses a version of the JSON syntax, so named Human JSONthat provides a much more relaxed syntax with the ability to specify comments, multiline strings, trailing commas, and more. This makes managing changes and controlling syntax much easier without worrying about specific (and often annoying) syntax requirements. For example, this is a valid JSON file for CAS:

    This comment will continue
    on this line again.
  "@class" : "org.apereo.cas.services.CasRegisteredService",
  "serviceId" : "^(https|imaps)://.*",
  "name" : "HTTPS and IMAPS",
  // "description": "This is commented out"
  "id" : 1, // Trailing comma here!

You can see that CAS allows one to use comments in such JSON files, and for extra luck, trailing commas are prefectly allowed.

Need Help?

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I hope this review was of some help to you and I am sure that both this post as well as the functionality it attempts to explain can be improved in any number of ways. Please feel free to engage and contribute as best as you can.

Misagh Moayyed